Can you leave it behind?

It’s a funny thing how dependent we are on technology nowadays. To a point where it’s no longer just about assisting on our daily lives or convenient. We cannot lose connection with the outside world. “Future Connected City: 2086” by JCT 600 (CC BY-SA 2.0) I have came to realisation how us human became so connected and yet still so lonely. I’ve recently been on a … Continue reading Can you leave it behind?

Under his eye

China has one of the strictest censorship systems, referred to as the “Great Firewall of China” China bans global mediums such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Whatsapp and the list goes beyond websites, mobile applications to celebrities, news and even sensitive words, letters and numbers. ‘Silence’by Rebecca Barray (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Ones might think the online communities in China would be non-existent but the reality is … Continue reading Under his eye